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Celebrating working at Swarthmore for 25 years

26th September

Louise qualified as a hairdresser at the start of her working life. She later decided to step into care and found herself working at Swarthmore as a night-time carer for 15 years. During her time, she stepped up to be a Senior carer. A senior care role has a large amount of time completing records etc, her preference was to care for the residents, so she stepped back to become a carer again. After 19 years of caring for residents she felt it was time to change roles. For anyone who has worked in care I am sure you appreciate it can take its toll on your own body, so she moved to housekeeping and has been supervising the team for around 4 years.

Louise has been a major part of Swarthmore’s family, building many relationships with residents. She stepped in as hairdresser during Covid for all the residents, which was amazing, without her not sure what would have happened!

What makes someone so loyal to one company for 25 years? Louise said she has made so many lifelong friends working here, of course you can become very comfortable in one place for a long time, but the people make it a great place to work.

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